Spring Cleaning Baby Clothes: The Ultimate Guide

Spring Cleaning Baby Clothes: The Ultimate Guide

As spring rolls around, you might be ready for a refresh in your home. While your daily cleanup routine takes care of the basics, spring cleaning is a time to declutter, deep clean, and tackle those projects you don't always think of during your day-to-day. If one of the projects on your list is cleaning up your baby gear, we're here to help! Here's a roundup of some of our best tips for spring cleaning baby clothes and accessories.

1. Declutter and Minimize

Before cleaning and organizing, it's smart to get rid of baby clothing that no longer fits, items that are worn out, and anything that no longer suits your family's needs or style. Here are some good resources to help you determine what you really need and what to do with the items you no longer want:

Baby Clothes for Minimalists: 10 Pieces You Need for a Newborn

5 Things to Do With Old Baby Clothes

How to Build a Capsule Wardrobe for Your Baby

2. Deep Clean

Have baby clothes that have stubborn stains or accessories and teethers that could use a deep clean? Take care of it now before putting everything back in its place with these posts:

How to Clean Baby Teethers

How to Get Stains Out of Baby Clothes

Babe Basics Care Instruction FAQs


3. Organize

Now that you've done away with items that no longer serve you and cleaned up the items that are left, your final step is to create storage and organization systems that are easy to stick to and help streamline your daily routine. Here are some ideas to get started:

How to Organize Baby Clothes

How to Organize Baby Shoes

How to Store Baby Bows


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